50 State Coronavirus Update
Information, by state, of restrictions and closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A aRead

Summer Lawn Care
Michigan lawns are commonly a mix of Kentucky bluegrass, creeping red fescue and perennial ryegrass.Read

Annual Bluegrass Weevil found in Wisconsin
Last week a possible case of annual bluegrass weevil was reported at a course inRead

Fertilization, irrigation strategies reduce emissions, conserve water
Use of controlled-release fertilizers and improved irrigation techniques may produce better visual turf quality whileRead

The data-driven golf course superintendent
Modern superintendents have a wealth of data at their fingertips. Sifting through it and balancingRead
Hurricane Preparedness and Recovery Tips for Turfgrass Managers
Mike Goatley, Shawn Askew, and David McCall, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Blacksburg JeffRead

The Economic Impact Of Golf: $84 Billion In The U.S.
This image is originally posted and taken from Forbes. The latest economic impact numbers forRead

Six Interesting Facts About Water And Turf
This image is originally posted and taken from Source All living things need water toRead

Golf industry mourns James B. Beard, Ph.D.
The students of James B. Beard, Ph.D., had a name for him. “We used toRead