Shaw’s has always been our premium line of fertilizers for quality lawn and professional turf care products. Our Shaw’s Brand contains the controlled-release technology of XRT® which extends nutrient release by up to 90 days, keeping turf and other crops healthy, lush, and green all-season long. With XRT, plants consistently receive the nutrients they need, when they need them, saving you time and money on multiple applications.
Our premium line of fertilizers contains the best branded active ingredients to help you control your Pre-and Post emergent weed problems.
Our insecticide combination fertilizers have sufficient residual activity so that applications can be made preceding egg laying activity of the target pests. See all spec sheets to target specific pests and the timing of the application.
Herbicide / Insecticides Combo
Our best controlled release nitrogen technology coupled with Acelepryn and Dimension to control insects and crabgrass all season long. Shaw’s has brought this innovation to the professional turf market to reduce the number of times turf managers need to apply products which ultimately saves time, money and wear and tear on equipment. If it doesn’t say One & Done®, it’s not Shaw’s.
Control Granules
Shaw’s ™ Treflan®500 Granules is a pre-emergence herbicide which provides long lasting control of a wide range of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Treflan® granules are recommended for use on a wide variety of ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers. (Check label for plant list). This product can also be used before paving surfaces.
Shaw’s Nutritional Liquids line-up offers a selection of many traditionally utilized liquid fertilizers as well as our own proprietary liquid solutions. Shaw’s Nutritional Liquids offer the quality customers have come to expect from Knox Fertilizer at competitive price points.
Water Soluble Fertilizers
Water Soluble fertilizers are fertilizers that are capable of being dissolved in water. Plants and turf need minerals and nutrients that are not in your soil. But if they are in a form that cannot be dissolved in water, the cannot ingest them. No matter what your application is, we have a formula that is suitable for your needs.